Caring for your transponder

Storage and Getting the best Active Transponder Battery Life

In order to maximize the battery life of your transponder there are some key factors which affect the battery drain, understanding these will help to ensure you achieve the maximum life of your transponder.

Transponder Activation

The largest source of battery drain on a transponder is when the transponder is being activated by a magnetic field, when it is activated it is constantly checking for a valid loop pattern.

The primary source of this comes from the timing loop, therefore if a transponder is held over a loop for a longer period of time, then the battery drain is significantly increased. A transponder held over a loop for 10s is approximately equivalent to 20 passings (<0.5s). Allowing transponders to be held over a loop, such as at a start line, for long periods should be avoided. 

Other sources of magnetic fields will also result in increased battery drain, sources can include;

  • Mains power cables (AC power)
  • Cars with keyless start
  • Motors / Machinery


Cold temperatures will reduce battery life of any electronic device, at lower temperatures there is greater internal resistance which thus lowers the transponders ability to provide the power. The capacity remains the same, so when returned to normal temperatures the transponder can still provide regular power. Prolonged exposure to higher temperatures may also results in a reduced battery life. 

Deep Sleep Mode

Deep sleep mode can extend the standby life of a Transponder by up to 40%, you could therefore expect 7 years of life of a transponder which was never used. NWCCA now has a box that puts all pool transponders into deep sleep mode after the last race of the season. 

Storage of Transponders

Taking note of the factors which affect batteries, how and where transponders are stored will affect their battery life. These tips will ensure maximum life of your ActivePro Transponders

  • Store in a cool, dry environment, <20°C, when not in use. 
  • Keep away from power cables or any source of AC power, remember that cables may be embedded in walls. 
  • Don’t store next to machinery which may draw large amounts of power or contains motors such as commercial printers. 
  • Avoid leaving in vehicles when not necessary, especially those with keyless start / entry.
  • Use a Management Box to put transponders to deep sleep when not used for prolonged periods of time.