North West Cyclo Cross Association AGM Minutes Tuesday 9th April 2013 Meeting Room 1, National Cycling Centre, Manchester
North West Cyclo Cross Association AGM Minutes Tuesday 9th April 2013 Meeting Room 1, National Cycling Centre, Manchester
Recommendations for the forthcoming NWCCA AGM on Tuesday 9th April at the Manchester Velodrome were tabled at the the last committee meeting. Please submit any further agenda items to the Secretary by the 5th April. The major concern is the size of the fields to which a proposal will be made to split the Veteran and Ladies […]
The NWCCA AGM is booked for Tuesday 9th April, Manchester Velodrome, starting at 7.00pm (Room to be confirmed). Please forward any proposals to Rob Pugh by email and proposed event dates as the AGM also integrates the date fixing. If you think of other attendees, please pass on the information. Have your say!
At last – snow! Giles Drake took a predictable but appropriate and satisfying win in his new colours of Herbalife / Leisure Lakes to round off a second year of dominating the North West league. Visiting veteran Ian Taylor came in second with newly-crowned national v45 champion Pete Middleton in 3rd.
The course will be inspected on Saturday morning following the weather forecast of snow on Friday.